The Fibonacci in Lateralus

The Fibonacci in Lateralus

The Fibonacci sequence in Tool's Lateralus. *3-31-10* Youtube just informed me that EMI owns this music and it's copyrighted, so if they decide to remove the audio, there's nothing I can do about it. It was just for a school project anyway. No big deal. *10-3-11* You can DL this vid here:
@Beunwa Je laisse le concerné répondre, je n'utilise pas ce tool (à tort surement vu le nb de gens qui l'ont) cc @Salemioche

@peteofrepublic It's a ruby-based command line virtualbox instantiation tool that lets you use puppet or chef to install and configure

Legs eleven,makes me stay up late 2 fat ladies on my back,and now its 88 Im a fool,whose tool is small its so miniscule,it's no tool at all

RT @tsqltidy: I have a limited number of #techdays tool kits to give away at Wednesdays UG #sqlsoton #sqlbits #sqlfaq #sqlpass thanks to...

#Internetkapitäne: Aus der Praxis: Seiten blocken über HTTP-Header: TweetEin Link-Tool von uns hat eben die Seite...

I like listening to Tool and Killswitch Engage

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