The Bangles - In Your Room

The Bangles - In Your Room

The Bangles, "In Your Room". Let me know if you want more Bangles!
RT @EsVeeCee: This lightskinned nigga at the bus got in 14 rings and like ten bangles. Not bracelets. Bangles and he's got a ponytail braid. Why?

RT @autumnNOseason: The bangles are a everyday thing tho round

open garden passports available at Ashby Tourist Information, Bangles & Tat or from any of the gardens on the day. see website for more info

Oowee the girl in the yellow got on bangles #nonameshawty

Can't beat abit of The Bangles on a sunday night! #TomorrowsgonnabeaManicMonday

The bangles episode of Gilmore girls is one of the best. Only because I've been in lorelai's seats before hahaha

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