Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

Darth Vader vs Hitler. Epic Rap Battles of History 2

DOWNLOAD this SONG: bit.ly NEW vader hitler shirts: bit.ly Tweet this Vid-ee-oh! clicktotweet.com Beat By: VandalizedProd Title: Tides of War Available at www.beatswagger.com Cast and Crew Directing Dave McCary www.youtube.com On Camera: Jonathan Na On Costumes: Nikki Fancy On Everything Helper: Mike Schroeder Carbonite Special Effects: Geoff Yano Darth Vader: Nice Peter Adolf Hitler: Lloyd Ahlquist Thank you for your suggestions, they are hilarious and awesome, keep them coming! see you soon, - nice peter
RT @RealCodyB: God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers...

Choosing my battles wisely

@NuBorN_InnUendO yea ok. Please write for the battles u watching from me.

RT @NBAJesus2: Pray for my son Brandon Roy as he battles back from injury as a new member of the wolf pack. Bless you my child.

Or Simply, by choosing to be like a Two bit Gypsy?, who is very well versed in Fliptop Battles, & thinking its ok to do it in Public..:)

@JustJuice314 @ThisIsTwiZz n wen she nut is gon go BOOM like hahzy twitter on da blockcity battles

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