ANDY LAU 刘德华- A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐- In Singapore 9 March 2012

ANDY LAU 刘德华- A SIMPLE LIFE 桃姐- In Singapore 9 March 2012

A moving story inspired by real events. Starring Andy Lau and Deanie Ip, The movie received rave reviews and won prestigious international awards. Check out the official website https
Lol Andy Lau was at the airport as well xD

RT @MINUSycho: @mamaneh_weh lah rek dipolow rek heunteu, tpi pasti nyesel mun teu ngapolow *admin na andy lau *serius

Pan udin td malem,akakakak @aciiiiii: Haseek, ttep we hyng panggih jeng si akang mah galaw wkwkwk RT @JessNyu: Andy Lau liburan ke pulau,G

@mamaneh_weh lah rek dipolow rek heunteu, tpi pasti nyesel mun teu ngapolow *admin na andy lau *serius

D'rmh andy bro RT"@dwyhanda: Msh dirumah . Lo udh d ci ? | @Wageeeee: @dwyhanda lau di mano ?"

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