Jet ~ Cold Hard Bitch ~ Music Video

Jet ~ Cold Hard Bitch ~ Music Video

Jet ~ Cold Hard Bitch ~ Music Video Directed by Jake Maymudes
Fasho !!! "@RebelRey_PPG: @StoneCold_JET peep out me and my bro then my Jet"

Addicted to jet skis

RT @PetikanLagu2: "I miss you so bad And my heart, heart, heart is so jetlagged Heart, heart, heart is so jetlagged" Simple Plan - Jet Lag

RT @thatkidDAIRY: Don't miss this jet hoe

RT @TrevorWatso: Somewhere out there, Bennie 'the Jet' Rodriguez is circling the bases, paying no mind to these silly fireworks.

This time next week I will be on a jet plane #buzzing

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