zebrahead - "Girlfriend" - Avril Lavigne Cover

zebrahead - "Girlfriend" - Avril Lavigne Cover

Hey Guys and Gals. Here is the first video from teh Cover album PANTY RAID coming out November 4th in Japan and December 8th everywhere else! It was fun and funny making this thing. Hope it makes you laugh in your pants.....casue that is the whole point of the damn thing! MFZB 4 LIFE
【My favorite music】Yellowcard / Zebrahead /+44 / 9mm Parabellum Bullet / 10-FEET / マキシマムザホルモン and more...

on now = mike dexter is a god, mike dexter is a role model by zebrahead

Np zebrahead - wake me up

5 days off work! Will rock some @mc_lars @Rancid @zebrahead while doin DIY around flat! And a lovely wedding of @hannahgriff77 canni wait :)

@okkar_teiki おはようですよー!ZebraheadとMr.Bigです^^洋ロックやばいですwwwwきてます!!!!

had a dream that i was at a @zebrahead gig and we made the biggest circle pit ever to falling apart...was one of the best dreams ever!

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