Banana Fish Manga and Drama Compilation (Part I)

Banana Fish Manga and Drama Compilation (Part I)

Part I. Banana Fish begins during the Vietnam War when a soldier utters the title phrase after killing several comrades. The story then jumps to 1985 where New York gang leader Ash Lynx runs into a man in an alley who utters the same words. As it turns out Ash is the younger brother of the soldier Griffin. Ash, thus, takes a special interest in "Banana Fish" and begins a quest of discovery and revenge. Along the way Ash must contend with mafia leader Dino Golzine (Papa Dino), his handy-man Marvin, and rival gang leader Arthur. At the same time reporter/photographer Shunichi Ibe and his assistant Eiji Okumura (acting as narrator in the drama) are in New York for an article on American Gangs. Thus a fateful meeting brings these two worlds together. This little project of mine is an attempt to match the Banana Fish manga with the drama CD using what little knowledge I have of Japanese. Call it a labor of love. It's a slow process, so I'm not sure if/how often I'll continue it. But to start I've got the first two posted. Also, I used basic Windows Movie Maker, so don't expect anything too flashy. Notes (audio cuts and issues I had): 1:47 : Here I cutout about a minute of intro music for time sake, you can hear a bit of this music during the credits. 4:04 : I cutout about 20secs of some weird psychedelic music. 4:09-5:45 : I really had no idea how to approach this scene as they combined two meetings into one. Also it doesn't appear as though the brother, Griffin, is in this ...


【突然のおすすめ漫画紹介】ラヴァーズ・キス/吉田秋生 最近アツい鎌倉・江ノ電沿線を舞台した、オムニバス短編物。ボーイミーツガールも、ボーイミーツガールも、ガールミーツガールもこれ一冊に詰まっています。




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