Flo Rida Sugar Official Music Video HD

Flo Rida Sugar Official Music Video HD

3rd single off "ROOTS (Route of Overcoming the Struggle)
So eventually this sugar high will wear off

@iBeFo0Lynn_o_0 lol nall I cleans me fa yo tits 2 taste like sugar u haven't wash them lol

@Sw33tLyke_sugAR I had tuh leave her getting her hair plat

Omfg when my blood sugar level is low and I wake up in the middle of my dream its like I'm in my dream but not in my head :-( so weird

#جامعة_الدمام الحَمدُلله حَمداً كَثيراً ؛)

Oh, some of y‘all can suck on a tack.

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