友川カズキ『星を食べた話』/ Kazuki Tomokawa 'a story about swallowing a star'

友川カズキ『星を食べた話』/ Kazuki Tomokawa 'a story about swallowing a star'

映画『友川カズキ 花々の過失』アウトテイクシリーズ ライブ編 1/3 「友川カズキ 花々の過失」DVD販売中 !! kazukitomokawa.com "La Faute des Fleurs -- a portrait of Kazuki Tomokawa" is now available on DVD !! kazukitomokawa.com DVD (with English subtitles) + outtakes and bilingual booklet (English and Japanese edition, 64 pages) 歌:友川カズキ『星を食べた話』(詩:稲垣足穂 / 補作詩・曲:友川カズキ) 共演:石塚俊明(頭脳警察)、永畑雅人(パスカルズ)、ギャスパー・クラウス撮影:ヴィンセント・ムーンLa Faute des Fleurs - a portrait of Kazuki Tomokawa a film by vincent moon 映画公式サイトlafautedesfleurs.com 予告編www.youtube.com 関連映像 (Take Away Shows) www.blogotheque.net LA FAUTE DES FLEURS Produced by Naohito Koike(Modest Launch),Naoki Ozeki,Vincent Moon Filmed and edited by Vincent Moon Sounds by Teresa Eggers,Gaspar Claus Mix by Gaspar Claus It was in the middle of the summer 2008, i received a long email from a japanese 'fan'. Looked like it was just some lovely words, advising me to film a japanese musician, a certain rare folk artist named Tomokawa something. It took me 4 more months to re-read the email until the end - and discover that this fan was actually inviting me to Japan to make a movie about his idol. We went there for 2 weeks, in march 2009, and this filming experience was by far the most important of my life. Kazuki Tomokawa, that's his name, 59 year old man, at first the exact idea you could get of a cinema character straight from a yakuza movie, a guitar in ...

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