Balinese Gamelan Music

Balinese Gamelan Music

When we stayed in Bali, the guest house we were in had a gamelan band that practiced on a regular basis. This was a great opportunity to record their music.
Somebody you love me RT @GoenkDeekiss: SomebragRT @rraayuaz: Someday @GoenkDeekiss: SomeoneRT rraayuaz: Something

What do you mean ( ˘͡ -˘͡) ( ˘˘̯) RT @KrisnaPuspaxo: Why so damn hard to find balinese beliebers huh? :L

"After last tweet, a chocolate martini & impromptu #gamelan (Indonesian xylophone) lessons by Balinese yoga instructor from Eat Pray Love!!”

RT @HannahAlrashid: I'm going to bring back loads of sand, but also this great Balinese energy, with me to JKT. Expect a tsunami of creative juice ^^

RT @OlgaLy_DIA: Uhuiii! Good job! RT @indtravel: It’s Official: the Balinese SUBAK Cultural Landscape now UNESCO World Heritage

I pekak live in concert with his group #makekawin*kind of Balinese mantra like a holy song

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