ラッキーナンバー7 DTSコレクターズ・エディション(2枚組) [DVD]

The Faculty [VHS] [Import]
The formula is the classic; someone is being "alienated." Naturally someone wants to put a “bug” in your ear as to which the person(s) is/are. Time is running out to find out what the problem is and how to correct it. As always the first to go is the authorities.
All right you have seen it a million times and even the characters in the movie refer to "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956) [see my review] and "The Puppet Masters" (1994). However it is not the plot but the carrying out of the plot or action that makes the movie. I was amazed to find this movie so professionally portrayed in the era of ersatz teenybopper knockoffs like "Sleepy Hollow"
The characters were well chosen to portray the different Faculty and student types.
Where have we seen Coach Willis (Robert Patrick) before? Can you say "Terminator Two"?
Laura Harris is from Canada and this is Ohio so what doses that make her? (An Al…)
You can not beat the descriptive names given to the characters.
The movie is just down right fun and has a lot of "Don't do that" scenes makes you want to kibitz.