Erika...Deutsche Wehrmacht in Farbe

Erika...Deutsche Wehrmacht in Farbe

Sorry I know the video is not steller. I just ripped clips from the web, chopped um up and slapped them togeather real quick so there would be some video with the music.
@crusty32 @CeslieDelora haha drum, look what you've started!

@erika_dnz @ingrid2hidalgo @maria_vettel Es mio! Todos los días me dice que me quiere... :| (?)

Prefiero ser rara,anormal,diferente,loca pero prefiero eso a ser normal, Y nunca encontraras a alguien como yo...

RT @AlainaTaughtYou: Confident. Independent. Focused.

RT @xcproblems: #ThoughtsWhileRunning I'll just slow down a litttttle here and catch up later!!! (probably doesn't)

@RhyIskandar dg erika noh :p

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