Hey You! What song are you listening to? BERLIN

Hey You! What song are you listening to? BERLIN

What song are you listening to? We asked random people on the streets of Berlin with headphones on what song they are listening to and these are some of the answers we got. --- Hey Du! Was hörst du gerade? Wir haben zufällig ausgewählte Leute auf den Straßen Berlins gefragt, welchen Song...
@AjibArshad mau g tgk kdai aku jib..haha...ko kt rwg ka?

RT @justinbieber: #AllAroundTheWorld promo TV Special starts monday. PHASE 1 - Oslo Paris Milan Verona Madrid London Cologne Berlin Mexico City NYC Toronto

RT @justinbieber: #AllAroundTheWorld promo TV Special starts monday. PHASE 1 - Oslo Paris Milan Verona Madrid London Cologne Berlin Mexico City NYC Toronto

RT @justinbieber: #AllAroundTheWorld promo TV Special starts monday. PHASE 1 - Oslo Paris Milan Verona Madrid London Cologne Berlin Mexico City NYC Toronto

RT @justinbieber: #AllAroundTheWorld promo TV Special starts monday. PHASE 1 - Oslo Paris Milan Verona Madrid London Cologne Berlin Mexico City NYC Toronto

RT @justinbieber: #AllAroundTheWorld promo TV Special starts monday. PHASE 1 - Oslo Paris Milan Verona Madrid London Cologne Berlin Mexico City NYC Toronto

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