Edge of Sanity - Twilight

Edge of Sanity - Twilight

From their 1994 album Purgatory Afterglow I close your eyes and whisper "Goodbye". You will never see how I cry. I can recall what you said to me once: "If I leave there will be a sign" And the twilight will show me tonight. From dusk to dawn. That's when we arise. All souls forlorn, come down from the skies. We're called the mist by the human race. But we do exist in a million ways. OH I'M IN THE TWILIGHT WORLD TONIGHT AND I OBEY THE MOON. I'M IN THE TWILIGHT WORLD TONIGHT. THE MIST WILL DANCE AND THE ELVES WILL SING THEIR CROON. My eyes will not believe the sight. They dance in trance this magic night. The sound that did enchant my ears. I feel my eyes release the tears. I know the answer now. To die, I an no longer afraid somehow. And now I know that there is another way for me to go. And now they show that there is life in the afterglow. I can feel the presence of the unknown side. The shivers infest my body. This cannot be denied. OH, WE'RE IN THE TWILIGHT WORLD TONIGHT... No way! This can't be a dream! I pinched my skin to make sure I was awake. What I see might be too much to take. The dance in a circle above the ground and I can see you and it looks like you're still alive. Somehow you seem so relieved. A nightbird chasing the shadows fly right through your body and then I know that you don't really exist. You're just a reflection in this midsummer dance. I feel my heart pounding faster ever than before, I must have stopped breathing. The image of you fade. And ...
Edge Of Sanity - Crimson #Np

@sr_dance Thanks, good to hear that. Review I just edited (EDge) was a mix of both, but I'll give the other one (& my sanity) a reprieve.

I think having to watch the care bears movie has pushed me over the edge of sanity #lifeistotallycraycray

I know I've reached ultimate boredom and the edge of sanity when I start singing everything, as opposed to normal speech u.u

@addyloh Indeed Addy, indeed. Was beginning to lose the will to live so it just kept me on the edge of sanity (debatable) & solvency!

@jpcotton25 Well it will help me finance being a #baller but gonna drive me over the edge of sanity on the way? #anticipation

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